Local Link Mayo rural transport services will continue as normal apart services to schools and community centres that are now closed. Please ensure that you pre book your seat as places are reduced in some areas as we adhere to social distancing and public health guidelines issued by the Chief Medical Officer and the HSE.
A number of Local Link services are offering to deliver critical medical supplies to the elderly, the vulnerable and sick who live alone within rural areas during the coming weeks. All drivers are Garda vetted and have undertaken relevant training in particular regarding supporting vulnerable adults

The National Transport Authority have confirmed full public transport services are continuing to operate, other than a limited number of commercial services - for a list of these services please visit the Transport for Ireland website.
In line with the announcement by government on Thursday March 12th , the National Transport Authority confirms that public transport services will continue to run as normal next week with regular updates to be provided over the coming days.
Please check operator websites for more details of cancelled or curtailed services.

The National Transport Authority (NTA) has released its report on the Rural Transport-funded evening and night-time services for the year ending 2019, revealing that 55 performing evening services are now mainstreamed for funding within the Rural Transport Programme.

Friday 31st January 2020, An Garda Síochána are inviting local communities to a ‘meet and greet’ opportunity at over 300 venues across Ireland. Local Gardaí, IFA branch representatives and representatives from community groups involved in the National Rural Safety Forum will engage with the local community. It is an opportunity for the local community to get to know their local Gardaí and local community representatives. All are welcome.

Friday 31st January 2020, An Garda Síochána are inviting local communities to a ‘meet and greet’ opportunity at over 300 venues across Ireland. Local Gardaí, IFA branch representatives and representatives from community groups involved in the National Rural Safety Forum will engage with the local community. It is an opportunity for the local community to get to know their local Gardaí and local community representatives. All are welcome.

The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport launched a public consultation to review Ireland’s sustainable mobility (active travel and public transport) policy. The review work arises from a commitment in the Programme for a Partnership Government to review public transport policy “to ensure services are sustainable into the future and are meeting the needs of a modern economy”.

The work of Local Link Mayo, the door-to-door and scheduled bus service in Mayo, was acknowledged with the best ‘Age Friendly Transport Award’ at the 4th National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards in Croke Park. Beating off competition from Dublin Bus and Local Link Laois, the service won the award for its innovative and creative approaches to making Ireland a great place in which to grow old.

The work of Local Link Mayo, the door-to-door and scheduled bus service in Mayo, was acknowledged with the best ‘Age Friendly Transport Award’ at the 4th National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards in Croke Park. Beating off competition from Dublin Bus and Local Link Laois, the service won the award for its innovative and creative approaches to making Ireland a great place in which to grow old.

A ministerial visit to Inis Bigil Island took place on Friday October 25th 2019. As part of the visit Minister of State Seán O Cadhain meet with representatives from Local Link Mayo to discuss the importance of transport services for island dwellers. At present An Roinn Cultúir, Oidhreachta agus Gaeltachta subsidies transport to connect the Island to the mainland at Ballycroy.

A number of Local Link Mayo routes have been extended to accommodate new passengers in the Ballyhaunis, Westport, Rossport and Geeslala areas and were recently launched by Minister for Rural and Community Development Michael Ring TD at an event in Ballyhaunis. These routes are known as demand responsive transport and they can accommodate door to door pick up where possible allowing people to access local shops,

iMayo TV channel on Sky television recently featured TFI Local Link Mayo. The programme highlighted the valuable service provided by TFI Local Link to rural areas across Mayo and what this service means for people and their local community. The programme was supported by a number of groups and services to highlight how important the […]

Local Link Mayo are in the national short list for the National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards which is a celebration of the work done to make communities more Age Friendly. The Age Friendly Transport Award is sponsored by Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport. Local Link Mayo joins Local Link Laois Offaly and Dublin Bus in the national shortlist for the prestigious prize.
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