Consultation to review Ireland’s sustainable mobility (active travel and public transport) policy
The Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport launched a public consultation to review Ireland’s sustainable mobility (active travel and public transport) policy. The review work arises from a commitment in the Programme for a Partnership Government to review public transport policy “to ensure services are sustainable into the future and are meeting the needs of a modern economy”.
The public consultation is designed to give stakeholders, interested parties and the general public the opportunity to reflect on the information and analysis in the papers, to share their views, and to contribute to the development of a Sustainable Mobility Policy Statement.
An extensive range of background papers has been produced looking at various different aspects of sustainable mobility and setting out questions designed to help assist with developing the new policy framework.
TFI Local Link Mayo would encourage groups and interested stakeholders to make a submission outlining identified transport needs. It is recommended that submissions are confined to around 2,500 words or less.
The closing date for submissions is close of business on Friday, January 24th 2020. Responses must be sent by email to sustainablemobilityreview@dttas.gov.ie or send by post to:
Sustainable Mobility Policy Review, Department of Transport, Tourism and Sport, Leeson Lane, Dublin 2, D02 TR60.
Further information and supporting documentation is available at https://www.gov.ie/en/consultation/f1b503-public-consultation-on-a-review-of-sustainable-mobility-policy/
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