Customer Satisfaction

TFI Local Link Mayo are committed to the provision of quality assured transport provision for all passengers.  Complaints related to the delivery of transport and/or passengers’ needs while accessing the transport should be directed through the company.


Passenger Complaint Procedure (updated August 2024)

TFI Local Link Mayo is committed to dealing with all complaints received in a professional, trustworthy and confidential manner.


The purpose of this complaints policy is to outline how complaints can be made regarding the provision of transport services and aims to ensure that:

  • Complaints are addressed thoroughly, sensitively and in a confidential matter.
  • Resolved at as early a stage of the process as possible.
  • Positive action is taken in implementing change as appropriate.


What is a complaint?

TFI Local Link Mayo defines a complaint as an expression of dissatisfaction which needs a response.


Who can make a complaint?

Any person who has received or sought the services from TFI Local Link Mayo service, or a person who legitimately represents someone who uses the service. All complainants have the right to appoint an advocate who, if a person is unable to make a complaint themselves can assist them in making the complaint.


What can be complained about?

The complaints policy can be used to raise any concerns a person has about a service being provided by TFI Local Link Mayo.


How complaints can be made:

Complaints can be made in a way that suits the passenger for example verbally, in writing or by email.


Making a Complaint

There are four stages to the complaints policy as follows:


Stage 1 –Point of Contact Resolution – Informal Process

All Staff at TFI Local Link Mayo should make every effort to resolve a point of contact complaint immediately.  Where point of contact complaints cannot or should not be resolved at the first point of contact the complaint should be referred to the Manager.  The Manager will endeavour to resolve the complaint within <48 hours (two working days).


Stage 2 – Formal Investigation Process

If a satisfactory outcome was not obtained in Stage 1, or if deemed necessary, a formal complaint may be made to the Manager verbally, or in writing. A written complaint should provide the following information:


  • Your name, address and telephone number (and/ or email address)
  • A detailed description of the issue with which you are dissatisfied
  • The name of the staff member/s who dealt with it (if known)


The complaint should be addressed to the Manager of TFI Local Link Mayo, Castlebar Social Services Building, Castle Street Car Park, Castlebar, Co. Mayo F23 CY67.


The Manager will log and acknowledge receipt of the complaint as soon as possible, but not later than five working days after receipt. Having acknowledged the complaint, the Manager will conduct an investigation and issue a reply to the complaint within 30 working days of receipt of the initial complaint. Where this is not possible, an interim reply will be issued explaining the position and advising the complainant when a substantive response will be made.


Stage 3 – Internal Complaints Review

If, having progressed through Stages 1 and 2, the complaint remains unresolved or the complainant is not happy with the decision made by the Manager, a request for Internal Complaint Review may be made in writing to the Chairperson of TFI Local Link Mayo within 30 working days on which the report was signed and dated by the Manager. As in Stage 2, the written complaint must include the following information:


  • Your name, address and telephone number (and/ or email address)
  • A detailed description of the issue with which you are dissatisfied
  • The name of the staff member/s who dealt with it (if known)


The complaint will be logged, and an acknowledgement of receipt will be sent as soon as possible, but not later than five working days after receipt. Having acknowledged the complaint, the Chairperson or a nominated review officer will conduct an investigation and issue a reply to the complaint within 20 working days of receipt of this complaint.


Where this is not possible, an interim reply will be sent explaining the position and advising you when a substantive response will be made. If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints management process, he/she may seek an independent review.


Stage 4 – Independent Review

If the complainant is not satisfied with the outcome of the complaints management process, he/she may choose to refer their complaint for independent review (e.g. Office of the Ombudsman/Ombudsman for Children’s Office) either directly following Stage 2 or following a Stage 3 Internal Complaint Review.


This complaints policy is in line with the HSE Your Service Your Say Policy 2017.

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