Our Services

Door-to-Door Bus Services
TFI Local Link Door-to-Door Bus Services are route-based services with the added benefit, where possible of collecting and dropping off passengers at their homes These services require pre-booking at least the day before travelling.
Door-to-Door Bus Services operate to a timetable that is subject to change.
Timetables frequency for Door to Door Bus Services can vary from daily to once a week.

Regular Rural Services
TFI Local Link Regular Rural Services operate on a fixed route between towns and villages and have a scheduled timetable, just like any other public transport bus service. Regular Rural Bus Service timetables are designed, to maximise connectivity with Bus Éireann, commercial bus services and Iarnród Éireann networks to facilitate passengers who may need to connect to the national TFI network.
Community Car
TFI Local Link Community Car provides an accessible community transport service that addresses rural social exclusion. At present there is one community car in operation in the Louisburgh area.

Primary Community and Continuing Care
TFI Local Link Mayo are contracted by HSE to deliver transport services where there are gaps in public service provision for adults attending day services, vocational training centre and specialised services. This transport is arranged on a referral basis through the HSE.
Renal Dialysis
TFI Local Link Mayo are contracted to deliver transport services to renal dialysis patients attending Mayo University Hospital. This transport is arranged on a referral basis through the hospital.

Island Service
Department of Rural and Community Development support the transport needs of Island dwellers from Inis Bigil Island. The service prevents rural isolation and enhances the mobility, accessibility of Islanders and provides much needed opportunities for community participation.
The Inis Bigil Island service operates seven days per week and provides vital access to essential services such as medical appointments, shopping, post office, banking, attending religious services as well as providing the opportunity to attend community services provided by Ballycroy Community Council and the social services group.
The ferry service is operated by Islanders Michael Lenaghan using an open boat that accommodates up to 8 passengers per service. A feeder bus meets the service at Doran’s Point, this is provided by Keane Bus Hire, Ballycroy.
Once Off Social Inclusion Transport Support
Since 2014 TFI Local Link Mayo have administered once off social inclusion transport funded annually by the National Transport Authority. The scheme is aimed at age related, youth, education, integration and cultural activities and funding is prioritised to projects that have clear identifiable social inclusion objectives.
Once the annual allocation is approved by the NTA. Community groups are invited to make an application for funding for consideration. In previous years the scheme has covered trips between July and December and provide up to 80% of the total costs.
Please note the once off scheme has not been reinstated since the Covid-19 pandemic.