TFI Local Link Services in Mayo to date are predominately provided by private operators. It is through the help, support, and professionalism of our local operators that we achieve the standard of services we have today.
To ensure best practice with regard to health and safety, all contracted operators are fully trained.
The following operators currently provide services for TFI Local Link Mayo:
Interested in becoming a TFI Local Link Mayo operator
To be invited to tender you must be registered on the eTenders PQQ list.
The steps are as follows:-
- Log in to etenders and create an account
- Click Public RFT (tab on left side of screen)
- Click on “Advanced Category Search”
- Where it says “Authority”, click on drop down menu and select National Transport Authority, click search
- Click on code 103001 – rural transport service qualification system
- Scroll down to where you see County Mayo and click “Answer Questions” button
- From here on you will have to answer a number of questions and submit required documentation.
- Once you have completed this full process, TFI Local Link Mayo will get an email to say you are registered on the Pre- Qualified Questionnaire list ( PQQ).
Once on the PQQ list you should apply to Local Link Mayo to be Garda vetted through the National Transport Authority (NTA).
You then complete the TFI Local Link Mayo registration process to be considered for once off trips and to receive information regarding future tenders in the county.
Call Us at: 094 9005150
For online information Please Visit :
Email : mayo@locallink.ie
Web : www.locallinkmayo.ie