TFI Local Link Mayo launch its 3-year strategy document which is the result of an extensive strategic planning process. The strategy came about after months of long planning among the board of directors, the TFI Local Link Mayo team, state agencies, community and voluntary representatives and transport operators delivering services under the TFI network in […]

In March 2020 helping people to stay at home became the new role of TFI Local Link Mayo rural transport services when Ireland went into the first Covid-19 lockdown. Since then we have provided almost 30,000 collect and deliver service, from pharmacies and local shops for passengers, delivering critical medical supplies to the elderly, the vulnerable and sick […]

The easing of Covid restrictions including the doubling in capacity on public transport from 25% to 50% is a welcome and positive development. It does mean that buses, trains and trams are likely to become busier in the days and weeks ahead, and because capacity is still limited, the advice from the TFI is that […]

Over the last 18 months the organisation has undertaken an extensive community consultation process to identify unmet community, public and shared transport options as part of our strategic plan. The actions identified aim to tackle climate change by reducing omissions and providing viable alternatives to car dependency for rural dwellers in turn creating vibrant local […]

Christmas Local Link Services 2020.
Please view this news story to download Christmas Local Link Services 2020.

Under Level 3 of the Plan for Living with Covid-19, from tomorrow morning public transport will go from 25% to 50% capacity.
With the resumption of retail, some hospitality and other activities, we anticipate that demand for public transport and Local Link services will increase this week.

The National Transport Authority are asking you to help to provide feedback on how accessible you find the public transport system in your own area. The NTA operate the public transport system by contracts with Dublin Bus, Bus Eireann, Irish Rail, Luas, Go Ahead and Local Link. They also provide licences to taxi’s and private buses and coaches. They have created a survey on Accessibility on Public Transport to hear people’s views and concerns. They would be very grateful if you could take the time to fill it out online or by emailing or posting them before Thursday December 3, 2020.
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