Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Sarah Togher, Manager Mayo Local Link. , making a presentation of Mayo.ie catalogue to Syliva McCarthy, Age Friendly Ireland and Bernie O'Brien, Age Friendly Ireland, . Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Mary Blowick, Age Friendly Programme, Bernie O'Brien, Age Friendly Ireland, Orlagh Denneny, Chairperson Local Link, Sarah Togher, Manager Mayo Local Link. Greg Barry, Director Mayo Local Link , Senator Rose Conway and Syliva McCarthy, Age Friendly Ireland . Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Orlagh Denneny, Chairperson Local Link, Tim Quinn, Director Mayo Local Link, Marie Flanagan, Chairperson Older People's Council Mayo and Cllr Mark Duffy. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Marie Walsh and Ann and Sean McCann. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Marie Walsh, Dorothy McGloin and Fr Jack Keefe. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Fr Steve Gibbons and Michael Carney, Kilmeena Community Group. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Annie Chambers, Ester Moran, Mary Kenning, Maureen Roache, Elizabeth Hester, Elizabeth Holden,Michael O'Haire, Bus Driver Local Link, Patricia Bourke and Pat Mulloy. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Kimberely Stephan, Aiden Mulroy, Kevin and Jack Jones and Fr Jack Keefe. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Greg Barry, Director Local Link, Angela Fahey, Local Link, Jennifer Corcoran, Local Link and Johyn Doyle, Local Link. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Padraic Walsh, Manager Fr Peyton Centre Attymass, Mary Blowick, Age Friendly Programme, Marie Flannagan, Chairperson Older People's Council Mayo, Bernie O'Brien, Age Friendly Ireland, Syliva McCarthy, Age Friendly Ireland and Sarah Togher, Manager Mayo Local Link. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Tim Quinn, Director Local Link with Seamus Murphy, Driver of Local Link bus and the Geesla Cairde le Cheile members Mary Gaughan, Mary Sweeney, Barbara Lennnighan, Nora Mannion, Sadie Kennedy, Nora Gaughan, Mary Carlon and Ann McGuire. Pic: Heverin Print.

Local Link Mayo host National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Judges at an event in the Father Peyton Centre, Attymass. Pictured at the event are Padraic Walsh, Manager Fr Peyton Centre,Mary Blowick, Age Friendly Programme, Senator Rose Conway, Tim Quinn, Director Mayo Local Link, Orlagh Denneny, Chairperson Local Link, Marie Flanagan, Chairperson Older People's Council mayo, Cllr mark Duffy, Sarah Togher, Manager Mayo Local Link and Greg Barry, Director Mayo Local Link. Pic: Heverin Print.