Mary Blowick, Age Friendly Programme, Bernie O’Brien, Age Friendly Ireland, Orlagh Denneny, Chairperson TFI Local Link, Sarah Togher, Manager Mayo TFI Local Link. Greg Barry, Director Mayo TFI Local Link , Senator Rose Conway and Syliva McCarthy, Age Friendly Ireland.
TFI Local Link Mayo are in the national short list for the National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards which is a celebration of the work done to make communities more Age Friendly. The Age Friendly Transport Award is sponsored by Department of Transport, Tourism & Sport. TFI Local Link Mayo joins TFI Local Link Laois Offaly and Dublin Bus in the national shortlist for the prestigious prize.
The fourth National Age Friendly Recognition and Achievement Awards for 2018/2019 take place on the 14th November 2019 in Croke Park and recognise the innovative and creative approaches to making Ireland a great place in which to grow old.
The Age Friendly Cities and Counties Programme has been running for over ten years and has been implemented by all 31 Local Authorities throughout the country and Mayo County Council plays a lead role in Age Friendly initiatives in the county.
The Age Friendly programme is built on the recognition of the valuable role that older people can play in shaping their communities for the better with the aim to make Ireland a great place in which to grow old in.

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